πOn behalf of the “ONUFRIENKO-DITY” Charitable Foundation and myself, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our foreign friend and partner Andrias Vogt for his constant assistance to our foundation, and especially to the “Sonechko” children’s day care center. This time we received solar panels from him to ensure our energy independence and for the possibility of comfortable and safe children’s rest. This is a great support and help for us in such a difficult time of war, when we are forced to live in conditions of constant challenges and dangers. Thank you for your attention, sensitivity and care! Also taking this opportunity, sincere thanks to the carrier company GTL www.facebook.com/GTL.Ukraine, which ensured the delivery of extremely important cargo from Europe to the territory of Ukraine. It is a big risk for them to go to a country where active hostilities are taking place, where shells are being fired and shahedis are flying. Therefore, accept sincere gratitude from all the children of Berdychiv district who use the services of “Sonechko” day care. May God protect you on the way, and all good deeds return a hundredfold! THANK YOU!!!!
Live From The Field